The WinTools.Info website is owned by software developer Peter Panisz. The site was launched in 2017 to showcase software that Peter Panisz has developed.
The software available for download on the website does not collect or transfer any personal data. It does not install viruses or spyware and does not support any malicious activity.
I develop all my software with the needs of visually impaired people in mind. All my software supports dark mode and large font size. In most cases, large font size is available under the name "Classic Font Style". The reason for this name is that the old versions of the software were only available in large font sizes. Non-visually impaired users requested the ability to also set the letters to a default size. "Classic" refers to the old versions of the software.
You can find information about the accessibility software I have developed for visually impaired people here.
All the software was created using the Microsoft Visual Studio development system in the C# programming language. The software stores the technical data required for their operation in the standard format of Visual Studio in the c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\WinTools.Info folder.
It is necessary to accept the terms of use before using the software available for download from the WinTools.Info website. Certain software requires an activation key after a 30-day trial period, as specified in the terms of use.
The activation key can be purchased from an online shop, and you can pay for it using PayPal or by debit card via Stripe. All data management related to purchases and payments is carried out by the online shop and PayPal/Stripe.
The WinTools.Info website does not contain viruses or spyware, and does not support any malicious activity. The WinTools.Info website contains Google Analytics and Google AdSense components. For information about their operation, please refer to their websites.
The editor of WinTools.Info is not a native English speaker. If you find a language error, please send me a correction.
Development and support for some older software has been discontinued and this software has been removed from the WinTools.Info main page, although it is still available on the download page. You can continue to use them at your own risk:
- Resource Progress Bar
- Firefox Download Tool
- OS Detect - 32-bit or 64-bit?
- Windows 10 ISO Download Tool
- myProcesses